Protect Children from Child Labour in Kathmandu Nepal

Nepal is one of the fastest urbanizing nations in Asia, and yet, 1.1 million children in Nepal are engaged in child labour. 0.2 million are engaged in the worst forms of child labour, such as in brick kilns, carpet factories, and entertainment businesses, where the line of work poses a direct threat to their life and safety. Post-pandemic, the number of urban-poor families pushed towards accepting hazardous child labour as a way to cope with household economic and social fragility has only increased. Despite legislation working towards eradicating child labour, child protection mechanisms on the ground, including monitoring, case management, and rehabilitative support, have limited capacity to address incidences of child labour within the community properly.

Key challenges:

  • High school drop-out rates and lack of relevant skills for decent, non-hazardous labour
  • Early exposure to hazardous labour environments due to parental absence/neglect and lack of child-safe spaces
  • Lack of sensitisation and sense of dangers related to hazardous child labour
  • Lack of functional child protection mechanisms and referral pathways on the ground
  • Poverty of parents and lack of access to resources

With your donation and support, World Vision aims to

  • Train vulnerable adolescents on life and protective skills while establishing child-safe spaces
  • Assist at risk and out-of-school children with needs-based educational support
  • Strengthen parent-child relations through Positive Parenting sessions and Inter-Generational Dialogue, empowering parents with knowledge on child labour and other forms of violence against children
  • Empower families with financial literacy, decent alternative livelihood options, and access to relevant institutions/social protection schemes to discourage hazardous child labour
  • Engage local governments to set up functional child protection mechanisms to address child labour

Find out more about our work among vulnerable children in the slums in the cities. 

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