Lending for COVID-19 Recovery in Vietnam

COVID-19 has spread out its effect all over Vietnam. Not only have many people lost their jobs in cities, but many others with informal work in the local village factories have also been laid off. For those who work in the trading/commerce sectors, social distancing restrictions have also caused their businesses to be closed, sometimes for months.
Many vulnerable people are now returning to the villages and building up their own businesses to sustain their family’s livelihood and cope with COVID-19, especially in agriculture sectors such as raising chickens and cows. However, oftentimes, upfront capital is required to expand or start these new livelihood ventures.
World Vision is supporting the ongoing economic recovery of rural farmers, small businesses, and savings groups. We are offering low-interest microloans to affected families who have depleted their savings – helping them reignite farming and business activities to recover their livelihoods.
Stand with COVID-19 affected families. Provide microfinance services to boost household incomes so children will be able to enjoy better nutrition, health, and return to school! Find more about our response here.