If you're interested in collaborating with us on any of the opportunities above, please fill in the form below and we'll be happy to get in touch with you!
For Youth and Schools
Are you a student
with a heart for building a safer world for children?
Are you a teacher
seeking to involve your school community in helping children in need?
We are working with schools, organisations, and youth in Singapore to build a community driven by a shared conviction to help the world’s most vulnerable children to overcome poverty and injustice through service, learning and advocacy. Join us in our mission to bring fullness of life to every child.
For a start, you can check out our blog for some of the inspiring efforts of our Singapore youth change-makers!
Programmes for Schools & Youth

Youth For Change Conference (YFCC)
World Vision has been organising YFCC since 2016 to introduce youth in Singapore to contemporary humanitarian and development issues. YFCC began as an in-person event held in different countries in ASEAN where World Vision is serving children and families in need. Participants got to interact with peers from overseas, and embark on a field visit as part of the conference programme to engage our field workers and the communities whom we serve in authentic project settings.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, YFCC moved online while preserving its international outlook, its commitment to cross-border learning experiences and collaborative opportunities among youth in Singapore, and its objective of introducing the work of humanitarian and development practitioners to a wider audience.
Sign up for Youth for Change Conference 2024: The Unequal Plate here!

30 Hour Famine
The 30 Hour Famine has been held in Singapore for over 30 years, and has engaged over 6,000 youth aged 13 to 30. Various editions of this event are held across the world in countries where World Vision works every year, and collectively form an international movement for youth to be a voice for children in need.
In Singapore, the event places an emphasis on experiential learning, so that youth in Singapore may become more informed and empathetic advocates for vulnerable children. Participants are challenged to fast from food for 30 hours while navigating a series of interactive and educational challenges. The result is a deeper appreciation of the struggles of children and families who have to go without food for much longer than 30 hours.
30 Hour Famine 2024: Hunger Trials here!

School Talks
Teachers and students are welcome to request a speaker from World Vision for your school, class, CCA, or organisation!
We offer talks on a range of global humanitarian and development needs such as children education, as well as related subjects such as climate change, which can be customised according to the size, age, profile, and learning objectives of your audience.

We collaborate with schools and organisations to run workshops that highlight the needs of children struggling in difficult environments. Read more about some of our workshops such as the Girls Empowerment & Period Protection: Pad-making Workshop and One Day Without Shoes.

Service-Learning Projects
Schools and youth groups are welcome to collaborate with World Vision on in-person or virtual Service-Learning projects, which are run in partnership with the communities whom we serve overseas. Project teams receive guidance and logistical support from World Vision to define their Service-Learning objectives, design their activities, and execute their programme, so that the project addresses needs in the community meaningfully and complements World Vision’s development programmes effectively.
When embarking on in-person Service-Learning trips, teams develop and implement a programme that lasts up to two weeks and typically consists of educational activities and equipping sessions to empower local children, youth, and community volunteers. During virtual Service-Learning projects, teams engage communities overseas through Zoom to deliver an online educational programme spanning up to 20 hours.
Project teams may wish to apply for the YEP or YEP-GO grant from Youth Corps Singapore to cover part of the expenses for their projects.
For Youth & School Collaboration
Stay in Touch!
For more information on any of our activities, events, and partnership opportunities, please email youth@worldvision.org.sg