If you're interested in collaborating with us on any of the opportunities above, please fill in the form below and we'll be happy to get in touch with you!
For Churches
For over 70 years, World Vision’s mission has been to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to where the need is greatest, and to work with the poor and oppressed from all backgrounds to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.
Missional Roots
"Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God," - Bob Pierce
Before becoming the founder of World Vision, Bob Pierce travelled to East Asia in the 1940s as a passionate young evangelist. He was profoundly moved by his encounters with what he called the “reality of life” for the region’s most vulnerable children and families, which was characterised, in his words, by “hunger, sickness, filth, poverty, death, topped off by total spiritual destitution”. His experiences inspired a radically broader and richer conception of mission, one which embraced the holistic restoration of lives broken by material deprivation and starved of spiritual hope.
The legacy of Dr. Pierce’s lifelong commitment to bearing witness to God’s Kingdom, through acts of compassion and the pursuit of biblical justice for the oppressed, lives on in the work of World Vision. We remain steadfast in our mission as a Christian humanitarian and charity organisation, which is dedicated to addressing the needs of vulnerable children and families worldwide, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, gender or nationality.
Partnering With Your Church
Speaking Engagements and Ministry Collaborations
Request a guest speaker from World Vision for your church service, fellowship groups, or gatherings at your organisation.
We also collaborate with church teams involved in Sunday school, youth and young adult ministry, women’s ministry, and family ministry on designing engagement activities that can help your faith community to connect with God’s heart for the poor.
“Faith in Action” Experiences
Visit the communities whom World Vision serves, virtually or in person, and discover how God is transforming the lives of children and families in some of the most vulnerable corners of the world. Interact with our field workers and learn how biblical principles have informed our unique approach to sustainable development.
The Fast I Choose
The Fast I Choose is a devotional experience grounded in God’s admonition in Isaiah 58, and the real-life experiences of vulnerable children in different countries.
It is a safe interactive activity for the new normal that combines the use of simple digital tools with daily sacrificial challenges.
The Fast I Choose is particularly well-suited to the discipleship needs of church ministry teams working with youth, young adults, and families, and can be run as part of a Missions Month programme at your church.
Learn more about one church’s experience here.
Chosen is a twist on traditional child sponsorship that empowers vulnerable children from different countries to choose their sponsor.
Bring the chosen experience to your church, and invite members of your church community to share the love and compassion of God with children who choose them as their sponsors.
Read about one church's Chosen experience here.