News and Updates

We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

Sri Lanka was never really part of my travel plan. But when World Vision created the opportunity for me to see my sponsored child, I was quick to seize it. After all those letters by snail mail, I was eager to finally be able to see my sponsored child in person and spend some quality time with her!

How can young Christians harness digital tools to share and grow in their faith, and how can pastors and youth workers use technology in creative ways to support their youth ministry? These were some of the questions broached at a dialogue with Kevin Kim, Executive Director of Crazy Love in San Francisco, and elder and pastor at We Are Church. Kevin discussed the intersection of faith and technology in the digital age, and shared his personal experience of using digital tools to aid Christian ministry.

On 23 February 2019, around 40 students and young professionals joined Reverend Andrew Morley, President and CEO of World Vision International, for an exposition of Micah 6:8 and a dialogue on his experience of juggling and reconciling his professional responsibilities in the marketplace with deepening involvement in holistic ministry before joining World Vision. Deborah Wee and Christabel Chan, both students from the National University of Singapore, share their reflections.

On the evening of 22 February 2019, members of the Graduates’ Christian Fellowship (GCF) gathered for an up-close-and-personal dialogue with Reverend Andrew Morley, President and CEO of World Vision International. Andrew spoke about his experience of serving God in the commercial sector, and how God brought him from the realm of media and digital business into the humanitarian space.

On 22 February 2019, 55 representatives from 19 churches and 16 parachurch organisations in Singapore came together at Bible House for a forum organised by World Vision on how the Church in Singapore can strengthen our collective efforts at engaging youth and young adults and nurturing them spiritually.
