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We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

When Thu Ha first saw a picture of her new sponsored child Bably, she burst into tears. “I don’t know why I started crying, maybe it was because she looked so innocent and beautiful in the photo, it’s like seeing your own child, I felt extremely proud to be chosen by Bably.”

"I watched kids scan through every photo twice before making a selection and then hold that photo close to their hearts. Some kids only took seconds to make their choice. Others took their time, looking for a face with which they felt a connection."

"Leiza and I have sponsored many kids around the world. But this was different. We had put ourselves out there, with some vulnerability, to be chosen. And of all the kids choosing among all the sponsor photos, it was a little boy with a special name who chose us," World Vision U.S. President Edgar Sandoval Sr. shares about his experience of being chosen as a sponsor for the first time.

19 Feb 2020, Singapore — World Vision is increasing its response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis in China by reaching more vulnerable groups. Since 3rd February 2020, World Vision is on the ground in China helping to contain an outbreak of COVID-19 that has already infected tens of thousands of people. World Vision aims to reach 390,000 people with a range of emergency health interventions.

Did you know? The tradition of giving gifts during Christmas goes long back in history to Bethlehem, where The Wise Men brought their gifts to baby Jesus – Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. Even if your picks are not such a royal mix, you might already have a list of Christmas gifts to purchase for your friends and family. Or you might be winging it, going for a last-minute hunt. How about a little tweak to your plan this year? Here is a list of some unusual gifts you can pick this year and be a blessing.
