Trip Reflections

She showed up unannounced, with a bouquet of roses and a card... I hope that my visit to Vietnam has impacted her life like how it has impacted mine. 

It all began innocuously enough. I heard the familiar ping of another new email arriving in my inbox. I took a quick glance and saw it was from World Vision. It was about a trip to Kirivong Area Development Programme (ADP) in Cambodia from late February to early March 2017. So began my adventure…

How the child sponsorship journey started

Most people take up child sponsorship when they have an income and want to help the needy. Ryan became a sponsor when he was just 7. 

For his 7th birthday party, his parents asked the guests not to buy gifts, but to help contribute to a fund for Ryan to sponsor a child with World Vision. With the money collected, Ryan sponsored his first child from Lesotho.

Now, 13, he is one of the youngest trippers to visit Yaozhou, China to meet his sponsored child.
