Trip Reflections

"This is the first trip I came back from with zero souvenirs for anyone and nothing for myself, but I am certainly richer from the experience," says Su Lin, who recently visited her sponsored child in Kirivong, Cambodia. 

"Indeed, this trip is an unique one, for it shows that people can be poor, not just in material terms," writes 12-year-old Megdelene, who visited Yaozhou, China, on a World Vision trip with her mother after her PSLE. She sponsored a child after the trip with the study awards she received. See what happened on the trip through her eyes!

"Nobody should be deprived of opportunities just because of the different backgrounds that they were born into.” Find out what other lessons a student from Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) picked up following a visit with World Vision to Son Tra in Vietnam. This trip was undertaken in preparation for a Service-Learning project being developed as part of a Memorandum of Understanding between World Vision and NP.
