30 Hour Famine 2024: Hunger Trials

On 18 May 2024 and 19 May 2024, more than 60 youths from various secondary schools, pre-tertiary institutions and universities walked in the shoes of children living in conflict and climate crises at the 30 Hour Famine 2024: Hunger Trials. Against the backdrop of Fort Canning, a major location in Singapore's conflict history, participants joined the signature 30-hour fast from food while completing team-based challenges. By stepping into the world of a vulnerable child, they learnt about the complex relationships between conflict, climate disasters and hunger, such that they could become more informed and empathetic advocates for vulnerable children.


The 30 Hour Famine 2024: Hunger Trials took the form of a choose-your-own-adventure amazing race centred on the global hunger crisis. Faced with choices that children in vulnerable contexts encounter, participants were challenged to make critical decisions that would determine their survival in the Hunger Trials. Proceeds from registration fees were channeled to World Vision's Global Hunger Response to enhance access to food, emergency health services and resilience-building projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia and Myanmar. At each station, participants experienced a sliver of what vulnerable children around the world face in their daily lives. At The Factory station, participants raced against time to make dresses amidst volatile market conditions, offering a glimpse into the plight of child labourers. At the Bounty Picking station, participants foraged for "food" as the time ticked away. Participants also walked distances to collect and purify water at the Hydro Quest station, which highlighted the trials facing vulnerable individuals without access to clean water. 


At the Factory Station, participants experienced the mundane repetitive work of child labourers just for miniscule earnings

The Border Crossing Station exposes participants to the struggles of refugees.

Participants at the Survivor's Haven station creating their own temporary shelter

During the 30 Hour Famine 2024, participants also had a chance to immerse themselves in eye-opening discussions led by thought leaders and humanitarian practitioners. At the end of the first day, Mr Benjamin Tan, CEO of World Vision Singapore, spoke about the complexities of the hunger crisis and his experiences alleviating poverty. Participants also had a chance to hear from Ms How Hwee Young, the Asia Pacific Regional Chief at the European Pressphoto Agency, who shared about using photography to tell stories and spark change.

Finally, Ms Bao Yan, co-founder of LoveOnUkraine and Director of Genesis Architects, wrapped up the 2-day adventure with a heartfelt speech about her personal journey delivering aid to vulnerable communities, and issued an inspiring call to our youths to be guided by love and compassion.

All in all, the 30 Hour Famine 2024: Hunger Trials truly pushed our youths out of their comfort zones to understand and experience complex issues. Ultimately, it aimed to touch their hearts to sow seeds of change – because as Ms Bao Yan puts it, "a transformed heart can change the world."

Hear what some of our participants had to say about 30 Hour Famine 2024!

"The most inspiring thing I have learnt from the 30 Hour Famine 2024 is that these are real-world issues that individuals are facing globally; that by increasing awareness, we each can make a change no matter how minuscule it is." - Ethan, 16, Global Indian International School

"The 30 Hour Famine was an eye-opener that helps people empathise and understand how people live in third-world countries.” - Haney, 15, Outram Secondary School

“I found the stations most meaningful as they gave us an insight into the lives [of vulnerable children]. I was able to see the hardships that many people from different countries go through, and it helped me to better understand their plight.” - Mishella, 14, Methodist Girls' School


Watch the highlights of 30 Hour Famine 2024


Written By: 
World Vision Singapore