Reduce Deforestation and Air Pollution with Clean and Energy-efficient Cook Stoves

90% of the communities in Gechi district, Ethiopia use the three-mold inefficient traditional cook stoves. As these cook stoves function on firewood, it is exacerbating deforestation and forest degradation that are already rampant. Every year, each household uses an average amount of firewood = 0.016 hectares of forest. The combustion from these cook stoves causes indoor air pollution and carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
The high levels of black carbon released reduce indoor air quality and lead to respiratory problems among women and children. 21% of the deaths are due to lower respiratory infections such as pneumonia and 35% are due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Also, usually, it is girls of the households who go to collect firewood. As forests are dwindling, they have to walk long miles and often end up missing school.
World Vision is providing vulnerable households with access to clean & energy-efficient cook stoves and in turn reduce carbon emissions and indoor air pollution. 1 clean energy-efficient cook stove reduces 1 tonne of carbon emissions per household.
Goal: Empower 250 women across 250 households to combat indoor pollution reducing 250 tonnes of carbon emissions.
For every $80, 1 household will receive 1 clean energy-efficient cook stove and the necessary training on stove maintenance.
Learn more about World Vision’s ongoing efforts to fight the impact of climate change on vulnerable children.