Building an Inclusive Future for Children with Disabilities

The Tooz District is home to one of the largest returnee populations following the closure of Internally Displaced Persons Camps in Iraq. During the war, many schools in the district were closed or damaged, leaving children to face trauma, fear and indoctrination. Even after the war, many children still lack legal identification documents and are not eligible to receive support from the present government. Additionally, conflict remains in Tooz District, with Islamic State sleeper cells and militant groups situated nearby. Children and families continue to be exposed to violence, trauma and instability. 

In addition to the challenges of displacement and conflict, children with disabilities (CWDs) are often denied access to quality education. Barriers include lack of: physical infrastructure, assistive devices, social isolation, specialized support, financial resources, inclusive programmes. This perpetuates a poverty cycle where education inequities lead to longer-term income inequities.

With your donation, World Vision aims to protect the most vulnerable boys and girls: 

  • Develop and implement a specialised catch-up programme for CWDs, focusing on basic literacy and numeracy  

  • Enhance individualised support for CWDs through case management  

  • Provide emergency assistance (e.g. aid devices, wheelchairs, medical supplies etc.) to CWDs assessed to be in greatest need 

  • Strengthen protective and supportive capabilities of school administration, social workers and teachers for CWDs 

  • Raise awareness on CWD inclusion and protection amongst student population in schools and community members 

  • Advocate for CWD rights with government stakeholders to encourage policy change 

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