Children are living in most dangerous parts of the world, where it is most difficult to be a child. Forced to flee their homes by violent conflict, famine, war, and natural disaster, they have lost...
Children in the developing world are still dying from treatable illnesses like influenza, diarrhoea or malnutrition. Help stop preventable deaths with proper health and nutrition!
More than half of the world’s population live in cities. As the urban population grows, so does the number of urban poor children. Often devoid of basic rights of survival, development and protection...
From rural villages to disaster zones and urban slums, your support will enable us to reach 99,748 people, including 30,194 children, with clean water and sanitation through water provision projects.
About 2.4 billion people live on less than US$2 a day. Provide struggling members of our communities with micro-loans and skills in generating income so they can care for their children!
Equip and empower cause-driven youth and future leaders through rich developmental opportunities like skilled volunteerism, experiential learning platforms and youth conferences.
Explore the lives of children and their families in challenging environments. And contribute in actionable ways to make a difference!
Welcome to World Vision! Your heart for children will enable us to bring lasting change in children’s lives. Let us guide you in your journey to partner us in our vision.