Tien Lu, Vietnam
Lives Changed, Communities Transformed
Because of your support, we can say goodbye to Tien Lu, leaving them stronger and self-sustainable!
With your constant help and support, families and children in Tien Lu have found ways to increase incomes, improve the quality of education and reduce the rate of malnutrition and infectious diseases.
Catch Up on Tien Lu's Phase-Out Party
The Power of Your Help

To see more impact of your donation, read the full report here.
Tien Lu before…
Before World Vision intervened, people in Tien Lu were suffering from difficult terrain and weather conditions that contributed directly to economic difficulties. Productivity was low and animal farming was unprofitable due to the lack of proper methods, leading to economic poverty - with 32.9% households in the target commune deemed as poor and near-poor before World Vision started work.

Old and hazardous toilet were a common sight

The classrooms of children in Tien Lu in 2010 with insufficient education facilities resulting in the low quality of education.

The health room in Tien Lu in 2010 had a lack of equipment and qualified health professionals to work in it.
With insufficient education facilities and a lack of professionally trained teachers, the quality of education in the community was low. Approximately 20% of children stopped learning after secondary school while 50%-60% of children did not pursue further education after high school.
The lack of qualified health professionals, low awareness on proper environmental sanitation, as well as the lack of child-care knowledge among parents contributed to a variety of health concerns. Malnutrition rates of children under 5 years old were high and children were vulnerable to bacterial diseases, such as respiratory inflammation and diarrhoea. Additionally, 22.3% of the community members suffered from acute respiratory infections while about 80% of women suffered from gynaecological problems.
Tien Lu now…
Since World Vision started work in 2009, the lives of the people in Tien Lu have improved tremendously. Now, they are better equipped in their journey towards maintaining self-sustainability and building a stronger community.

New farming techniques helped 86.3% of farmers increase their annual income by 400%. Locals were also taught alternative livelihood options to diversify their income channels.

5 new educational facilities were built, while the 12 existing schools across different levels were upgraded and equipped to meet the country's ‘safe school’ requirement.

Together with the help from the local government, health facilities have been renovated to be better equipped. Now, 80% of locals seek health consultations at these facilities compared to the earlier report of 23%.
Click below for the full report.
Empowerment through Education
“I feel that my surrounding is really safe now and I can concentrate on my studies,” expressed Hong.
Hong, a child beneficiary in Tien Lu, is grateful for all the support provided by World Vision, especially through education.
Before World Vision entered the community, education was not considered a priority. Children often dropped out of school to engage in child labour in order to help shoulder the burden of supporting the family.
When World Vision started work in the community, children like Hong were taught life skills and values. On top of that, parents and caretakers were taught how to better care for children and the importance of education.
With these initiatives and programmes in place, the children were given a voice and opportunities to propose and facilitate initiatives in the community. This led to 74 small initiatives and 1,215 training being implemented by the children from this community, including setting up learning corners in the homes of 99 children from very poor families and 20 fencing projects to protect children from drowning.
Apart from benefitting from these interventions, Hong is also a facilitator in his village and school children clubs. He now teaches other children about abuse prevention, HIV/AIDS, life skills, and home safety. He also works with parents to better educate them about the importance of keeping their water sources clean and safe for consumption, further improving the lives of many in his community.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When should I send out my farewell to What is the latest date that I can send my farewell letter to my sponsored child?
A: Kindly mail out the farewell letters to your sponsored child(ren) by 19 July 2020. This is to allow ample time for the letter to reach the community and for the team to deliver it to the respective children.
Q: Why can't I continue sponsoring my child?
A: Families need and deserve the dignity of seeing themselves as self-reliant - not depending forever on charity. Only then can they experience the sense of dignity to which they're entitled.
Q: Why can't I keep writing to my sponsored child?
A: Your sponsored child needs to know that his or her own family and community are now empowered to help themselves. Once the community is self-sufficient, World Vision office in Tien Lu will close and we will not be available to translate and deliver letters anymore.
Q: How do I know if my sponsored child will be okay?
A: Through sponsorship, you've helped prepare your sponsored child's community to ensure that their children are cared for. You have helped build strong networks of parents, teachers and community health workers. They have clearly demonstrated a readiness to meet children's needs without our assistance.
Q: How does World Vision decide it's time to end the partnership?
A: We look for evidence the people are significantly stronger than when we began - not just as individuals, but as groups, associations and networks. We must be confident that the community can sustain and also improve on what we've built together.
Q: You've found a new child for me to sponsor. How did you choose?
A: This new child's community is at an earlier stage in their partnership with us - they still have many needs. We tried to select a child based on the preference you may have had, or with similar qualities as your previous child.
Q: What if I prefer a different child?
A: We are happy to explore different sponsorship options with you! There are so many children in need. You can request for us to send you a few more child profiles via https://www.worldvision.org.sg/en/vnm2020. Do send us your request before 31 August 2020!
Q: What will happen next?
A: In October, you will receive an e-mail confirming the transition is complete, along with more information about your sponsored child and the community.
Q: What should I do if I do not want to continue the sponsorship journey?
A: If you choose not to continue with child sponsorship, please write to us at enquiries@worldvision.org.sg