Join us on 10 July 2024 for our charity dinner, as we commemorate our 40th Anniversary under the theme "One Humanity One Hope".
Experience a night of inspirational life stories, children's performances, and a specially curated menu by Guest Chef Damian D’Silva.
Marilee Pierce Dunker, daughter of World Vision Founder Bob Pierce, will be our special guest for the evening.


This charity dinner is more than just a celebration; it's an opportunity to directly impact the lives of vulnerable children caught in the grip of prolonged conflicts, natural disasters, and environmental crises.


Our goal is to raise $400,000 to bolster crucial programs 

safeguarding children from hunger and acute malnutrition, shielding them from the threat of exploitation born from poverty and disaster,
and supporting the healing and education of those scarred by conflict.


We extend a heartfelt invitation for you to be part of this transformative journey


World Vision Singapore 40th Anniversary Charity Dinner

Date: 10 July 2024 (Wednesday)

Time: 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Venue: The Grand Salon Ballroom, Sentosa Golf Club




Partner with us!





Unite for Good

Partner with our sponsored children from Selenge Area Programme in Mongolia whose lives have been uplifted through World Vision's Child Sponsorship Programme. 20 children have contributed their gift of art for a charity art auction in hope to help fellow vulnerable children in fragile communities impacted by long-term conflict and natural disasters. These unique art pieces depict their hopes for the future and their homeland. Visit our charity art auction site to view all the art pieces to bid for them. Your generosity will not only support the vulnerable children in fragile communities but also be an encouragement to the Mongolian children who seek to give back to the community with their talent.




Thank you for your generosity

 For more information on this event contact




“All souls matter! I was raised in a home where the color of a person’s skin was never an indicator of their worth. It has been my experience that people who are not like me enrich my understanding of this complicated world and make me better at being who God made me to be. In my years serving at World Vision, whether I was with children living in a mud hut in Zambia or with volunteers at a sponsorship event, the people I met all had the same things in common.  Big hearts, beautiful spirits and… apart from the little boy in Kenya who kept rubbing my arm to see if I was really dark under my funny-looking light skin…the ability to accept me! If we took time to get to know one another, we would discover we are more alike than we realize. We need to step out and make ourselves available to give hope and make this world a better place. We are ONE humanity!"

Marilee Pierce Dunker




Charity Dinner Special Guest

Marilee Pierce Dunker is a publisher author, accomplished speaker and serves as the Ambassador Emeritus for World Vision.  As the second daughter of Dr. Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, Marilee grew up with a heart for God and a deep sense that He had called her to use her gifts and talents for His service.  And her heart for God has only grown bigger and deeper over her lifetime.


When her father passed away in 1978, she felt called to write the book, Man of Vision, the compelling and candid story of the challenges her family faced as God used them to give birth to two ministries that are still changing the world today.  God called her to come on staff with World Vision in 2001, as a writer, speaker and ambassador for the organization.  During the next 19 years, Marilee traveled to over 40 countries and spoke thousands of times to share about the incredible work World Vision is doing to bring community development, clean water, education, healthcare, and the hope of the Gospel to millions of people around the world every year.


During her travels with World Vision, Marilee met people who had known and worked with her father.  They told her remarkable stories that she had never heard, and she began to write another book that would focus on her father’s journey from a 12-year-old street preacher to, to quote the Rev. Billy Graham, the greatest missionary statesman of his generation.  Her new book is entitled The Audacity of Faith and aptly subtitled, Stories My Father Never Told Me. Marilee prays that it will inspire a new generation of world-changers. 




Envision a world where every child’s dreams aren’t stifled by the harsh realities of their surroundings.
Imagine Shuhaira, a spirited young girl from the Philippines, daring to dream of becoming a doctor without the gnawing worry of where her next meal will come from.
Or Mandela, torn from his South Sudanese home by conflict, finding sanctuary and the opportunity to learn in the refuge of a school.
This is the world that World Vision passionately strives to create together with our supporters.
Over the past four decades, we’ve been sowing seeds of hope in millions of lives, igniting sparks of potential, and shining a light in the darkest circumstances.
Yet, as new conflicts erupt and as climate change intensifies disasters, the plight of many children remains unimaginably difficult. Their stories must not be forgotten.



Donations Raised Through Our Charity Dinner Will Support Vulnerable Children Affected by Crisis and Disasters

Here are some of our urgent projects


Due to severe overcrowding, the Bangladesh government initiated the relocation of refugees to Bhasan Char. World Vision aims to meet essential basic needs of the refugees through providing emergency hot meals, cultivating moringa to support the nutrition needs, child-friendly parks to provide psychosocial support and access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities.

Target reach: 22,490 people


Five decades of war, recurrent natural disasters, chronic poverty, drought and deteriorating human rights have left many in need of humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan. World Vision aims to set up health facilities, deliver nutrition services, provide psychosocial support and first aid support for trauma cases.

Target reach: 80,000 people 


In Central Equatoria state in South Sudan, around 622,000 people are on the brink of famine due to violent conflict, dry spells, and pest infestations. World Vision aims to tackle hunger and malnutrition by empowering mothers to cultivate kitchen gardens and provide food vouchers for mothers to purchase essential food items.

Target Reach: 1667 people