Youth and Schools

Youth Leader Edren had suffered from the traumatic loss of his father and grandmother from heart attacks because they had failed to receive immediate and urgent medical care in their home located in the remote area of Pangasinan, north of the Philippines. Determined to prevent similar incidences from happening as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Edren started Go Bike to offer immediate healthcare in his village.

Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of child marriage worldwide. As of 2021, 66% of girls in Bangladesh are married before they turn 18 and 32% are married before they turn 15. In addition, UNICEF has predicted 10 million more child marriages across the next 10 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The 30 Hour Famine: #ClimateAction 2020 took place virtually on Instagram for the first time from 26 - 29 May. A total of 488 participants challenged themselves to fight climate change by completing various tasks to reduce their carbon footprint, while learning about the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities. Four teams share their reflections with us and how their lifestyles have changed after taking on the challenge! 
