SMU goes to Boribo! YEP Project Boribo III

In June 2024, 18 diverse students from Singapore Management University (SMU) united under YEP Project Boribo III, an SMU-endorsed initiative in collaboration with World Vision Singapore. Together, we travelled to Cambodia with a shared mission: to empower the communities within the Rolea Bier and Kampong Svay Area Development Programmes (AP).

team photo

Project Boribo III Team

Since pandemic restrictions eased in 2023, Project Boribo II marked its first in-person trip to Cambodia, where we equipped youths with essential English literacy and computer skills. This year, we're grateful for the opportunity to broaden our efforts, reaching both adults and youths across more than 20 communities. Our team gained a deeper understanding of Cambodian life, and we also learned valuable lessons from the people we served.

Rolea Bier Area Programme

photos with cambodian youth

Youth Communities in Rolea Bier AP

During the first week, we visited several communities and connected with many youths, gaining valuable insight into their daily lives. With a focus on empowering youths, we organized various activities, including decorating their library, teaching young children basic alphabets, and imparting leadership and management skills to older youths. Despite leading simpler lives with school, work, and aspirations, they face greater challenges in achieving their goals due to the lack of resources. Their strong motivation to learn inspired us, and we were eager to teach them.

cooking activity

Nutrition & Health: Nutrition-Cooking Activity with Grandmothers/Caretakers

World Vision staff and SMU trippers hold up pipes

Capacity Building on Safe Drinking Water and Hygiene, Sanitation (WASH): Building Water Connection System

We also engaged the older youths in games and photography lessons. We were also fortunate to share knowledge about health, nutrition, and sanitation practices within these rural villages, helping them improve their understanding and implementation of these essential topics.

Kampong Svay Area Programme

SMU with Kampong Svay AP facilitators

Exchange with Facilitators in Kampong Svay AP

games with children

Hands On Activity on Budgeting and Savings: Envelope Method

After a week of valuable experiences, we took time to refine our content, adjusting it to better align with the cultural norms and lifestyles of the communities we were serving. Beyond teaching youths reading and writing, our focus changed to imparting budgeting and bookkeeping skills to adults. We incorporated hands-on activities and games, using real-life scenarios to illustrate concepts like the importance of emergency savings. These sessions allowed us to learn about the common jobs in Cambodian communities, their spending habits, and financial concerns while sharing our own insights.

photos with children

Communities in Kampong Svay AP

In addition, we introduced digital literacy, teaching them how to navigate the internet safely and effectively. This holistic approach ensured that our teachings were relevant and practical, helping the communities build skills that are crucial for their daily lives.

Reflecting on Our Journey

visit to pagoda

Recreational Activity: Visiting Prasat Svay Prei Pagoda

photo at school

Project Boribo III Final Day in Rolea Bier AP

Through Project Boribo III, we truly learned the importance of cultural sensitivity and effective communication by adapting to local customs and overcoming language barriers. Khmer was unfamiliar to many of us, making it challenging to communicate, even with translators. These experiences reinforced the need for flexibility and culturally-aware methods in community work, deepening our commitment to helping communities and understanding the impact of education.

group photo with WVS Cambodia staff

Project Boribo III Final Day in Kampong Svay AP

Pouring our heart and soul into the preparation of this project, our team is heartened to have gained so much from this experience, learning just as much from the Cambodian community as we have taught them. We are deeply grateful for the support from World Vision Organization Singapore and Cambodia and thankful to each and every single person that we crossed paths with during this incredible opportunity. Project Boribo III has created memories that will forever shape us into better individuals and we hope that our small actions have made a positive difference in the community.

Written By: 
Leon Lim, SMU Project Boribo III Co-leader