NEW Features for Child Sponsors!

Your sponsorship experience is key, and World Vision continues to work to improve your experience as child sponsors – from understanding how to communicate with your sponsored child(ren) to receiving quicker updates about your sponsored child(ren) and their community!
This year, we have THREE new features to enhance your sponsorship experience and keep you in the know with your sponsored child!
Digital Replies:

Quicker replies from your sponsored child(ren) is almost here! From October 2021, World Vision is shifting towards digital correspondences – which means there is a lesser chance of your reply letters being lost in the mail or waiting longer than necessary to hear from your sponsored child!
When you send an e-letter to your sponsored child, you can now expect to receive an e-reply* as well! However, do note that that e-letter replies will only be sent digitally while if you write to your sponsored child via snail mail, you will receive both a digital copy via email and the hard copy in the mail, with the latter expected to arrive a little later.
If you’d like to also receive the hard copy of the e-reply letters, kindly inform us here.
*Kindly note that these e-replies will be a scanned copy of your sponsored child’s written letter.
[Coming Soon!] Sponsorship Newsfeed:

We’ve heard your feedback and we’re almost there!
With this new feature, you can stay up to date on the latest updates on your sponsored child(ren) and their community, almost as soon as it happens! Specific to your sponsored child(ren), this sponsorship newsfeed will bring you the latest news about the activities and interventions that your sponsored child has participated in, as well as the progress made in the community on your newsfeed. You can also easily keep track of the child’s growth over the years, all in one place, with the yearly update photos and videos; while keeping up to date on the progress that’s being made in the community as well!
Sponsorship 101:

Access everything you need to know as a sponsor on our Sponsor’s Guide page! From writing to your sponsored child(ren), sending a Gift Notification or updating your giving methods conveniently, we’ve got you covered!
Have all your questions about your journey as a child sponsor answered and stay updated on the latest COVID-19 situation in your sponsored child(ren)’s community, or simply find out more about your sponsored child’s community and local customs and practices.
With these new features to better connect with and stay in touch with your sponsored child, we hope your sponsorship experience is further enhanced and made all the more special.
Thank you for your gift of sponsorship and for joining your sponsored child(ren) along on this journey as they walk, with renewed hope, towards a brighter future; a journey made all the more special with your friendship and support.