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We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

Many Christians practise a period of fasting during the season of Lent to prepare their hearts for Easter Sunday. To help church communities reflect on the relationship between the biblical practice of fasting and God’s admonition to pursue righteousness, help the weak, and care for the afflicted, World Vision Singapore developed The Fast I Choose, an interactive devotional resource for church ministry and discipleship groups.

10-year-old Ahmed in Somalia is one of 12.8 million children at risk of malnutrition. How long before it is him?

Salvador, a father in the Philippines lost his son in Typhoon Goni. "I can still hear him calling me, asking me to save him."

Twice they've had to leave their home. But for a mother and her son, the pain is still the same. Elena and her son, Nikolay, escaped Ukraine two weeks ago. A university dorm-turned shelter has provided them a safe place to stay in Bucharest, Romania.

World Vision’s humanitarian response to increase 10-fold within two months to meet the rapidly growing needs of vulnerable children and adults displaced and affected by the conflict.
