Sponsorship, to me, is not just about giving—it’s about friendship. It’s about forming a real friendship. It’s about reminding these children that they are important, loved, and never forgotten.
It’s more than water. It’s a day that changed everything for a girl and her community in Malawi. This is the story of 9-year-old Ireen's daily struggle for water with her red bucket.
In 2024, TheWriteChance partnered with World Vision Singapore to plan for a YEP trip to Cambodia, supported by Halogen Singapore. There, TWC would bring reading, writing, and conversational programmes to children and youth from vulnerable backgrounds. After much preparation, a TWC team of 23 youths (aged 17-19) embarked on the YEP trip in January 2025.
On 7 Dec 2024, 56 youths attended World Vision Singapore’s ninth edition of the annual Youth For Change Conference, held this year at Singapore Institute of Management. The theme of this year’s edition, “The Unequal Plate”, aimed to educate young people on the global hunger crisis and how various local and international interventions that are seeking to support and mitigate the imbalance of food access, through the sharing of World Vision’s interventions and success stories.
Many of them might not have the chance to realise how beautiful their smiles are. I genuinely wished these pictures could remind them of the support, love and friendship they had from us if they ever come across any difficult times in future. This was my first mission trip but it would not be my last.
Explore the lives of children and their families in challenging environments. And contribute in actionable ways to make a difference!
Welcome to World Vision! Your heart for children will enable us to bring lasting change in children’s lives. Let us guide you in your journey to partner us in our vision.