World Vision is a child-focused Christian humanitarian and development organisation dedicated to addressing the needs of the world’s most vulnerable children, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or nationality. Through a combination of emergency relief, community development, and advocacy programmes in about 100 countries around the world, World Vision works in partnership with communities in need to tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice, thereby enabling them to reach their full potential. In addition, we work in partnership with the affiliated programmes and specialised agencies of the United Nations, including the World Food Programme, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and UNICEF.

Your aim: To survive the Hunger Trials.
World Vision's annual youth event, 30-Hour Famine!
This year, brace yourself for an epic choose-your-own-adventure challenge that transports you into the heart of hunger-stricken lands ravaged by conflict and climate.
Sign up solo (we will team you up with 4 youth)
or with a dynamic team of 5!
All proceeds from registration fees will go towards
World Vision’s Global Hunger Response.
Registration closes 12 May 2024

All proceeds from registration fees will go towards
World Vision’s Global Hunger Response.
Registration closes 12 May 2024

Ms. How Hwee Young
Asia Pacific Regional Chief
at the European Pressphoto Agency
Empowering Change Through Visual Storytelling

Dr. Kyi Minn
National Director of World Vision Myanmar
Causes and Impact of Global Hunger on Children

Ms. Lam Bao Yan
Co-founder of LoveOnUkraine
and Director of Genesis Architects
Change Begins with You
All proceeds from registration fees will go towards
World Vision’s Global Hunger Response.
Registration closes 12 May 2024
Right now, child hunger levels are the highest they’ve been in generations.

The number of children dying from hunger has declined every decade since the 80s.
Now it’s back on the rise with spiraling food costs.
Children are bearing the brunt of an unequal global food system further exacerbated by conflict and climate change.
Together we can #FightHungerFeedHope
All proceeds from registration fees will go towards
World Vision’s Global Hunger Response.
Registration closes 12 May 2024

The trees and animals have died because of the drought,
and we have nothing left to eat.
My brother, Sunday, is wasting away.
He doesn't have the energy left to move or speak.
If we forage for food, we might get sick
from eating wild berries that are not clean.
Schooling is not the first thing on my mind.
But if I do not carry my brother with me for 7km to school
for the only school meal I know I can get,
I may lose my brother forever.
If you were Blue,
what would you choose to survive?
All proceeds from registration fees will go towards
World Vision’s Global Hunger Response.
Registration closes 12 May 2024

Will you
with us?
Join us for an unforgettable two-day experience filled with excitement, challenges, and the chance to make a real difference in the world.
Frequently Asked Questions
The 30 Hour Famine is a youth event that has been organised annually by World Vision in Singapore for more than 20 years. Various editions of this event are held across the world in countries where World Vision works every year, and collectively form an international movement for youth to take a stand together against hunger and poverty. In Singapore, the event places an emphasis on experiential learning through interactive and educational challenges, so that youth may become more informed and empathetic advocates for vulnerable children. Participants from secondary schools to tertiary institutions in Singapore come together to fast from food for 30 hours while completing a series of interactive educational challenges, so that they may cultivate a deeper appreciation of the struggles of vulnerable children and families who have to go without food for much longer periods.
Participants of this year’s 30 Hour Famine will go on a choose-your-own adventure as they take on the persona of a child in a crisis who is forced to make critical decisions as they navigate their world. Each choice will bring them through an experiential learning challenge that simulates different factors that contribute to a hunger crisis – including conflict, climate, health crises, and economic instability - and discover how their decisions can impact their survival. Through the 30 Hour Famine, participants will get a chance to walk in the shoes of the vulnerable and grow in their understanding and empathy for children and youth from other countries and backgrounds.
No, it will be a two-day in-person event. 30 Hour Famine 2024 will be held on 18 and 19 May 2024.
Yes! We encourage all participants to go through our signature 30 hour fast from solid food. Through the experience of fasting, participants will gain a deeper appreciation of the struggles that vulnerable children and families face when they go without food for much longer periods of time.
In line with the theme on 30 Hour Famine, food will not be provided during the event. Drinking water will be available.
30 Hour Famine: Uncharted will consist entirely of team challenges! You are highly encouraged to sign up in teams of up to 10 with your friends. For individuals, we will do our best to place you in a team comprising members of a similar age group as you.
Participants will have to complete the two-day in-person programme.
No, there will not be any online challenges this year.
We will be monitoring the COVID-19 situation to ensure a safe 30 Hour Famine experience for all participants! Do follow our Instagram account @worldvisionyouthsg and look out for any updates!
f you complete the 30 Hour Famine successfully, you can request for an e-certificate via e-mail after the event has ended!
Anyone aged 13-30 years old is welcome to register! For those outside of this age range who are interested, do contact us at
Sign up on our online registration form here.
Click here to sign up through EventBrite, where you can make payment via debit or credit card. If you would like to make payment through PayNow or bank transfer, please send an e-mail to requesting alternative payment modes (please provide your name and e-mail address, as entered into EventBrite).
All registration fees are non-refundable, but you do have the option of identifying another person to participate in your place.
Please drop an e-mail to if you would like to do so.
The distribution of VIA hours is dependent on individual schools. Please check with your teachers if VIA hours can be awarded for the completion of the 30 Hour Famine. If your teachers would like more information, they are welcome to drop us an email at