Food Blogger is a Child Sponsor Who Wants To Feed The Hungry
Dr Leslie Tay is not an unfamiliar face to many Singaporeans. As the man behind Singaporean food blog “ieatishootipost”, many people know that Dr Leslie Tay is a doctor and a gastronomic adventurer. But did you know that he is also World Vision child sponsor?
He doesn’t just heal the sick, or recommend good food, he also sponsors needy children.
Learning about the needs of the poor
Living in Singapore, he was initially unaware of the needs of underprivileged children elsewhere in the world. Some 15 years ago, when Dr Tay spent 2 years practising in Thailand, he had the opportunity to do some mission work as a doctor in the rural areas.
He says, “When you get to see the needs, you see the poverty, you realise that you live in a world that is not so perfect.”
Child sponsorship is a good way to start helping
From his love for children, he found that child sponsorship was the perfect way for him to start helping. World Vision provided him with a platform to not only help an entire village in need, but see the progress over the duration of help given.
“You can spend the same amount of money on a nice fine dining, with the same amount of money you can actually help a whole family somewhere else for a month,” says Dr Tay
Through World Vision, Dr Tay, who has a son and a daughter, chose 2 children from Vietnam, 1 boy and 1 girl, to sponsor.
He sees sponsoring children as a unique way for the sponsor and child to connect with each other and likens it to the relationship of pen-pals.
“There are children around the world whose lives are without hope. We can’t help all the children in the world, but if we can make the difference in one child’s life,” he adds.