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We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

The grief and mourning that each and everyone carried on their shoulders were visible. As I walked alongside them I felt how utterly unfair life was: we were crossing the same border, but my situation was entirely different. I hold a passport that allows me to travel almost everywhere, I had a hotel reservation waiting for me in Poland, and once my deployment finished, I would fly safely back to my home base. They were marching into the unknown and faced having to process profound feelings of loss, whether of a loved one, of a homeland, of social status, of well-being, of a future.

17-year-old Oleksandr fled Ukraine with his mother and two younger brothers, Dmitri (11) and Iurii (6). His father is still in Ukraine. The rest of the family left when rockets started flying above their house

It is becoming increasingly challenging to know when the next flood or drought will come. Single mothers like Ator in South Sudan are not letting disasters have a final say in their lives. 

Around 62 families from Antique, Philippines are taking their first step towards a better life after participating in World Vision's Home-based Livelihood Support programme. 

Easter, represents a time for rebirth, renewal, and hope. But things just don’t feel the same this year as the deadly conflict in Ukraine continues. We spoke to a few of the Ukrainians who will be spending this Easter far away from friends and family who have taken refuge in shelters, schools, and people’s homes across Ukraine and in neighboring countries like Romania and Moldova. 
