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Eliseu is an 11-year-old who stopped going to school because his family can no longer afford his school fees. He sits by the border and sells Quisangua (a drink made from sugar and maize) to people travelling across. More children like him stand around in the scorching heat, hoping to sell and afford the next meal.

Drought has ransacked their lands, leaving their families in uncertainty of a future. The severity of the drought is sweeping the chances of selling anything as people no longer have the money.

As circuit breaker measures have made home-based learning and social distancing the new norm, it can be a struggle for parents to find new and innovative ways to engage children at home!

If you are a parent facing the same struggles, try these education-based activities with your children to spend meaningful time with them, while broadening their horizon to become more informed, caring global citizens.

Child Sponsorship has made it possible for World Vision to respond to the COVID-19 crisis from the beginning. Our Area Programmes supported by child sponsors are now focused on protecting children and the community from the spread of the virus. As we all try to figure out the best way forward for our families, neighbours, nation and the world in the light of COVID-19, we want to share with you how your Child Sponsorship may be affected by COVID-19 with this list of Frequent Asked Questions. 
