No. Community development projects are designed to be sustainable with locally available resources, technology, materials and leadership. Families and individuals share in project leadership, responsibilities and activities from the start and are well equipped and motivated to continue in these roles when World Vision ends its direct involvement in a community.
Frequently Asked Questions
About the Organisation
Yes. World Vision accounts for every dollar. Audits are conducted regularly by external firms to verify the accuracy of World Vision’s financial reporting. To see how donations are used, navigate to the financial accountability page where you can also download our latest annual report.
To view our gift catalogue, visit
Payment Methods & Finance
World Vision deploys a secured payment gateway on our website which automatically converts donors' credit card details into “unique token ID” for our internal records.
This enhances the security level for our donors as this means that your credit card information is only transmitted, processed and stored by the secured payment gateway which is compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
World Vision regularly reviews developments in security and encryption technologies and we will take reasonable steps to keep your information secure by having safe systems in place.
Recurring deductions are also automatically processed via the payment gateway based on the preferred donation frequency indicated when you make a recurring donation.
If you are not comfortable with recurring donations taking place automatically without advance notification, you can choose to give a one-time donation for 3, 6 or 12 months of the monthly pledge amount. We can then send you a reminder letter to make the next one-time donation.
This payment method is encouraged as it will not be disrupted by credit card expiry or cancellation.
- Login to your Internet Banking.
- Select Local Transfer, Set Up Standing Instruction / Recurring
- Our bank account details are as follow:
Bank Name: DBS
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Code: 001
Bank Account Number: 001-030600-6 (Current Account)
Account Name: World Vision International - Enter the amount: 45 (Monthly start date, leave end date BLANK as you can cancel at any time)
- Enter Reference/Comment: Your Partner ID (preferred) or Mobile Number
- Please inform us via email of the start date after setup is successful so we could update this change in our system.
For DBS bank account holders, refer to the link.
For UOB bank account holders, refer to the link.
For OCBC bank account holders, refer to the link.
For Visa / Mastercard / AMEX
You may do so online via this link by referring to the following steps.
1. PayNow
To complete your PayNow contribution, kindly click here.
2. Bill Payment Service *This is only available to DBS and Standard Chartered Bank account holders
- Login to your Internet or Mobile Banking. Select Bill Payment, select Add Billing Organisation, select World Vision International.
- Under reference/comments, enter your Partner ID (preferred) or Mobile Number.
3. Visa / Mastercard / AMEX
Please use this link by referring to the following steps.
- “How much do you wish to donate?” Fill in your contribution or donation amount.
- “How often do you want to donate?” Select One-Time.
- Under comment, fill in your Partner ID (Mandatory field), Child ID and Description of Donation.
- Click on the DONATE button, followed by GO TO CART > PROCEED TO CHECK OUT > PROCEED TO PAYMENT and you will be redirected to a secured gateway to fill in your new card details in the next webpage. Proceed to login to your online account using your email address when prompted.
Offline Methods
4. AMEX / Visa / Mastercard
Please complete the authorization form and email it back to us at
5. Cheque
Kindly make your cheque payable to “World Vision International” and mail it to our office at 6 Woodlands Square, #03-01 Tower 2, Singapore 737737. At the back of the cheque, please indicate your Partner ID (if any), Mobile Number and the Purpose of this payment.
6. Cash
Kindly visit our office at 6 Woodlands Square, #03-01 Tower 2, Singapore 737737. during our office hours (Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 pm).
Please note that bank fees and charges may be applicable and vary among banks.
As the banks usually take 4 to 6 weeks to process your GIRO application, you may want to send us a cheque of $50 payable to "World Vision International" for your first month's contribution if you wish to start the sponsorship right away.
Please print the attached GIRO form on a fresh piece of paper and do not use correction tape/liquid paper for any amendments. If an amendment is required, kindly strike off and countersign beside it.
If you already have an existing GIRO arrangement with World Vision Singapore and would like to increase your giving, kindly print the attached NOTIFICATION OF INCREASE IN GIRO AMOUNT form on a fresh piece of paper. Please do not use correction tape/liquid paper for any amendments. If an amendment is required, kindly strike off and countersign beside it.
Please post the ORIGINAL form to us using our business reply envelope provided.
If you have made an error in contributing to World Vision Singapore, we will honour your request for a refund made within 30 days of your donation. All requests must be accompanied by proof of payment. To request for a refund, kindly email us at or call us at 6922 0147.
Please refer to this link as a guide, and contact PayPal directly if you need further assistance.
Child Sponsorship
Child Sponsorship works very simply! Your monthly recurring donation will provide your sponsored child, his/her family and community with basic needs, love and care through your sponsorship support. In turn, you will receive annual progress updates and can even correspond with your child.
A child’s life is transformed through your sponsorship!
- The sponsorship money you send is pooled with that of others who sponsor children in the same community that your child is in.
- Collectively, your support enables World Vision to provide benefits such as education, healthcare, nutritious food and clean water for the children through an Area Programme (AP). Parents of these children will also receive useful skills training and income-generating opportunities to help them attain self-sustainability in the long term.
- An AP is World Vision’s signature approach to fighting poverty and transforming lives. Through APs, World Vision identifies where we work and who we work with, and then carry out development activities specific to an AP’s needs.
To sponsor a child today, click here.
All new child sponsorships will be set at a $50 per month with effect from 12 March 2025. This is an increase of $45 to $50 per month for child sponsorship. Click here to learn more on the reasons for the increase in child sponsorship contribution in 2025.
If you are an existing child sponsor, we will not apply changes to the monthly contribution for your existing child sponsorships without your consent, as we fully understand that each child sponsor has unique plans, and do not wish to cause any unexpected disruption. However, we would like to appeal to you to opt in to the higher contribution level if you are able to do so.
If you are able and willing to update your contribution to $50, the increase will take effect on the next contribution date. (depending on your contribution cycle, yearly, half-yearly or monthly etc.) For example, if a sponsor submits the opt in request on 15th April, and the monthly contribution is on the 5th of every month, the increase will take effect on 5th May. If you are not able to do so, your contribution will stay at $45 and there is no need to do anything. Please know we remain very grateful for your willingness to give.
To opt in for the monthly/half-yearly/yearly contribution adjustment, please indicate your willingness to help here.
For donations made via credit card: the adjustment will take effect on the next contribution date upon receiving your agreement to opt in.
Should you be making your monthly contribution via standing instruction with the bank and GIRO, kindly follow the instructions below to update your contribution amount.
Steps to update your bank standing instruction:
a. Remove your existing standing instruction
b. Set up a new standing instruction:
Our bank account details are as follows:
Bank Name: DBS
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Code: 001
Bank Account Number: 001-030600-6 (Current Account)
Account Name: World Vision International
c. Enter the amount: 50 (Monthly start date, leave end date BLANK as you can cancel at any time)
d. Enter Reference/Comment: Your Partner ID (preferred) or Mobile Number
Please inform us via email to of the start date after setup of your new standing instruction is successful so that we could update this change in our system.
Steps to update your GIRO deduction amount:
Kindly download and print the NOTIFICATION OF INCREASE IN GIRO AMOUNT form on a fresh piece of paper. Please do not use correction tape/liquid paper for any amendments. If an amendment is required, kindly strike off and countersign beside it.
Should you require a GIRO form with a business reply envelope to be mailed to you, kindly send us an email request so as to confirm your mailing address.
Once the form is filled up, please post the ORIGINAL form to our World Vision Singapore office at 6 Woodlands Square #03-01, Tower 2 Singapore 737737
For over 40 years, World Vision Singapore has been contributing towards uplifting communities in our area programmes over a 10 to 15 year period through holistic community-focused interventions that provide access to water, nutrition, education, child protection and sustainable livelihoods.
The cost increases in recent years have posed challenges, which are significantly compounded by a combination of climate change and conflict. The impact of climate change has led to an increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters such as floods, typhoons, wildfires, and droughts. These disasters result in destruction that require costly rebuilding efforts to infrastructure that is climate-resilient. The materials and techniques needed further add to rising costs. The occurrence of protracted conflict has also disrupted global supply chains, making it difficult to transport goods and resources to remote communities, causing delays and shortages.
Together, these factors have created a perfect storm of rising costs. The increase in the monthly contribution amount from $45 to $50 a month from 12 March 2025 for new child sponsorships will allow us to meet our targeted goals for transformational impact within the planned timeframe in the area programme. This adjustment ensures that we can continue our work without delays, allowing us to deliver lasting, positive change to the communities we serve. Your generosity is a crucial part of the change we are creating in the lives of children.
If you are an existing child sponsor, we will not apply changes to the monthly contribution for your existing child sponsorships without your consent, as we fully understand that each child sponsor has their own financial plans and considerations, and we do not wish to cause any unexpected disruption. However, we would like to appeal to you to opt in to the higher contribution level if you are able to do so. Click here to learn more on how you can indicate your willingness to support a higher monthly contribution for your existing child sponsorships.
Ideally, Child Sponsorship is a long-term commitment lasting for the duration of our work in a particular community, which typically lasts for 10-15 years.
But how long child sponsorship lasts will be different for each sponsor. Some sponsors join us at the beginning of our work in their sponsored child’s community and others join us towards the end.
Sponsorship can end for a number of reasons. These include:
- Our work in a community is completed.
- Your sponsored child finished school or began to earn an income.
- Your sponsored child’s family moved away from the community in which World Vision is working.
Whatever the reason, we’ll notify you when your sponsorship comes to an end. At that time, we can discuss how you can continue your sponsorship with another child.
We work with community representatives to identify the areas of greatest need. The community then chooses children from those needy areas for sponsorship. This list of needy children is verified by our staff and the children become representatives for the Child Sponsorship programme.
World Vision workers fully explain the concept of Child Sponsorship and inform families that all members of the community get to share in the benefit.
Participation in all World Vision programmes is voluntary, and sponsored children and their families choose to be a part of the programme. We always respect the rights of families to make decisions about this.
When a community is stable and productive, it can provide for its children’s long-term well-being; the most effective way to improve children’s well-being is to strengthen their community’s ability to provide for it.
The well-being of a child is dependent on their families and community. In order to thrive, children need to grow up in an environment that can provide the essentials for today, together with hope and opportunity for the future.
Through the years, many communities have leapt from brokenness to hope with the help of World Vision's Child Sponsorship programme. The goal is for the community to achieve self-sustainability. World Vision plans and works alongside local community members to find solutions that will change the future for their children, and their children’s children.
We work with community representatives to identify areas that have the greatest need.
Afterwards, the decision to commence a sponsorship programme is made with the communities. An assessment is carried out by local World Vision staff alongside community representatives, local authorities and other non-government organisations in the area.
Before we commence a sponsorship programme, the following things must be in place:
- Community understanding and commitment to the programme
- A basic level of security and stability in the community
- Access to remote parts of the community and basic communications so that we can regularly visit and monitor children’s well-being
You can provide hope and help to children in the following countries supported by World Vision Singapore:
- Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Sri Lanka
- Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia,
- Middle East: West Bank
Click here for more details on our work in each country.
All the communities that World Vision serves are in need of a helping hand to lift itself out of poverty.
In planning, implementing and evaluating our work, World Vision staff consider the basic needs of the child and the dynamics of the particular child’s community.
Does the child have a healthy diet? Is he or she attending school? Does the child have access to adequate healthcare, clean water, housing and clothing? Do his/her parents have an opportunity to improve the family’s condition by growing more food or starting a small business?
All projects are regularly measured against such goals and objectives. Audits are conducted regularly by field staff and occasionally by external consultants to ensure that the project is on track and is meeting the specific goals established by community leaders and World Vision.
As a child sponsor, you will receive annual progress updates on your child and the family’s well-being, and a report on how the development activities you are supporting are helping the entire community.
Sponsored children and their families can decide to move out of the sponsorship area for a range of different reasons. Generally, this decision is made to positively benefit the child’s family, and is made with a great deal of care and consideration.
If a sponsored child leaves the community, we will inform their sponsor, but we cannot stop a child from moving.
We ask sponsors to consider sponsoring another child in the same community to continue the good work your sponsorship has already done.
When a sponsorship programme ends, it’s because the community has reached a point where they can continue the development work we began together on their own. In most cases, committees made up of local people are set up to monitor progress and oversee ongoing development work.
The ultimate goal of child sponsorship is self-sufficiency. When this has been achieved, World Vision moves on to help another community in need.
Through our sponsorship programmes, children and adults gain knowledge and skills which stay with them long after World Vision has gone, and for generations to come.
We encourage sponsors to view sponsorship as a long-term partnership, but we understand that people’s circumstances change over time and sometimes, unexpectedly.
If you are unable to continue your sponsorship, please help us by encouraging a friend or family member to continue the sponsorship commitment.
If you need to cancel your sponsorship, you can contact us through phone at 6922 0144 or email to get the process started
Interacting with my Sponsored Child
Send your words of encouragement by writing to your sponsored child or sending a small practical gift. Follow these simple instructions.
Step 1: On the front of your envelope, write the address of the World Vision office according to the country listed here.
Step 2: On the back of the envelope, write your sponsored child’s name and ID number.
Step 3: On your letter, write the child’s name and ID number at the top of the page, and your name and partner number at the end of the letter.
The country addresses and your sponsored child’s ID can be found in the child’s picture folder. Your partner ID is printed on World Vision’s letters. Or you can simply call our office to find out.
To protect the child and for efficient delivery, it is vital that you:
- Bear in mind your sponsored child’s environment and culture when writing a letter or sending a gift.
- Send only flat, inexpensive items such as photos, maps, bookmarks and stickers that can easily fit into an A4-size envelope. Otherwise, duty charges may be incurred. These gifts can widen the child’s imagination and is a precious link to the world outside.
*For mail to children in the West Bank, please keep your envelopes to a maximum of A5 in size for ease of clearance in customs - Allow three months for a response.
- Do not disclose your contact information in any correspondence. His or her reply will be sent via the National World Vision office where your child is from.
- Do not send it to World Vision Singapore’s office.
- Do not send any cash, food items (e.g. sweets), expensive or fancy gifts, culturally-sensitive or religious items.
Use the mailing address below to send mail to your sponsored child. Be sure to include the child’s complete name and ID number on both the back of the envelope, as well as on your letter itself.
Bangladesh - Wazipur Area Programme
World Vision Bangladesh
Post Box #9071
Banani Post Office
Cambodia - Kuleaen & Sambour Area Programmes
World Vision Cambodia
Sponsorship Operations
Central Post Office, P.O. Box 479
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Ethiopia - Yaya Gulele Area Programme
World Vision Ethiopia
Box 3330
Addis Ababa
Indonesia - Ende Area Programme
NPWP (Identification Number): 01.707.434.5-411.000
Wahana Visi Indonesia
P.O. BOX 3532
Jakarta Pusat 10340
Kenya - Funyula Area Programme
World Vision Kenya
P.O Box 50816-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Malawi - Mpalo Area Programme
World Vision International
Along Mchinji Road,
Ngerengere Complex No 2,
Private Bag 30
Lilongwe, Malawi
Mongolia - Dornod & Selenge Area Programme
World Vision Mongolia,
Sponsorship Department,
Somang Plaza, 4th floor #406 Peace Avenue,
15th khoroo, Bayanzurkh District,
Mongolia C.P.O. Box 705,
Ulaanbaatar, 15160
Myanmar - Taikkyi Area Programme
World Vision, Sponsorship Department
95 (A), 5th Floor, 8 Mile
Business Centre, Kyike Wine
Pagoda Road, Postal Code 11061
Yangon, Myanmar
Nepal - Sindhuli East Area Programme
World Vision International Nepal
WVI Nepal Sponsorship Department,
G.P.O Box 21969, Kathmandu 44600
Philippines - Antique and Bohol 5 Area Programmes
World Vision Development Foundation, Inc.
Sponsor Relations Department
P.O Box 3306 Q.C
Central Post Office 1173
Quezon City, Philippines
South Hebron Area Programme
World Vision Jerusalem
P.O. Box 51399
Jerusalem 9151301
Sri Lanka - Lindula Area Programme
World Vision Lanka
P.O. Box 2034
Colombo 00900
Sri Lanka
Vietnam - Muong Cha 2 and Son Tra Area Programme
World Vision Vietnam
9th Floor, Mercury Building
444 Hoang Hoa Tham Street
Tay Ho District
Hanoi 100000, Vietnam
Zambia - Musosolokwe Area Programme
World Vision Zambia
P.O. Box 31083
Due to the location, we suggest that you send letters about once or twice a year. The best times to write to them are during your sponsored child’s birthday and Christmas. However, please note that it normally takes up to three months to process one letter of correspondence, from the time you send to receiving your sponsored child’s reply.
The children in most of the places where World Vision Singapore works in do not understand English. As such, your letter will be translated by our field staff. Both translated and the original letter will be delivered to your sponsored child. Likewise, your sponsored child’s reply letter will also be translated into English.
If your sponsored child is unable to write, he or she will be guided by the parents/guardian and our field staff. The child may just surprise you with a drawing!
We ask that you don’t send money to your sponsored child:
- Sending money to an individual child and/or their family does not contribute to the long-term development goals of the sponsorship programme.
- Our field offices are not equipped to handle funds sent to them directly from sponsors.
- As with gifts, it may cause tension amongst family and community members.
- In some countries, it is against the law to receive and send foreign currency.
Yes, certainly! Many have visited their sponsored children and have stories of joy to share. See the changes you have made in your sponsored child’s life with your own eyes and experience a slice of their everyday life through a Child Sponsors Trip organised by World Vision Singapore. World Vision organises a visit to each community once every few years.
To indicate your interest in our upcoming trips, please fill in the form on the website below and we will be in touch with the latest updates:
Please note that we only allow visits of your sponsored children through a trip organised by World Vision Singapore. We seek your understanding on this.
Unfortunately, World Vision does not facilitate bringing sponsored children to Singapore for visits. For a child who has been living in a very remote or rural area all his/her life, this can be a rude cultural shock, resulting in high levels of fear and uneasiness. Furthermore, readjustment to his/her own lifestyle after the visit can be difficult.
Our focus is on helping your sponsored child thrive in the community he/she is a part of. As such, our priorities are dependent on keeping that community together and strengthening it.
However, if you would like to spend time with your sponsored child, we encourage you to join our Child Sponsors Trip.
We don’t encourage connecting with your sponsored child through social media.
We want you to communicate and connect with your sponsored child, however, doing so through social networking sites such as Facebook can pose a number of problems:
- It may pose a risk to the child’s safety.
- It can put you and your sponsored child in a difficult position—people may pressure your sponsored child to ask for gifts, money, or other favours.
- Others might access your sponsored child’s account, which would put your correspondence and personal details out of our control.
- Even with good intentions, language and cultural differences can (and have) led to inappropriate communication.
If you are contacted through a social media site, please do not respond. Call us on 6922 0144 and we can follow up with the sponsored child and community, educating them about the risks involved in communicating this way and why we use channels such as letters.
At World Vision, we are fully committed to ensuring that children and their families are protected from the fear or reality of any physical or emotional abuse. This could result from inappropriate and unsafe Internet and social media use, including the sharing of private information about a child and their family. Because of this, we ask all sponsors to abide by the following standards while participating in World Vision’s sponsorship programme:
- Refrain from any direct, unmonitored communication with your sponsored child or family without our knowledge. This includes contact through the Internet or social media (including instant message, Facebook, Skype, Twitter, etc.). Note that World Vision does not, under any circumstances, allow visits to the child’s residence or community that have not been coordinated by World Vision staff.
- Do not post your sponsored child’s last name or child ID number on the Internet or social media sites.
- For both their security and yours, please let us know immediately of any contact initiated by your sponsored child or family that makes you feel uncomfortable.
My World Vision Online Account
With a World Vision account, you will be able to step into the world of the beneficiaries we serve by receiving the latest updates on your sponsored child(ren) and projects that you support. For added convenience, you can update your personal details and contact information online, track your giving history and easily register for trips and events.
If you have logged in before but forgot your password, kindly request for a new password.
If you are an existing World Vision partner and are logging in for the first time, please request for a one-time login link at the bottom right of the login page. Through that link, you will be able to set your password.
If you are completely new to World Vision, kindly create a new account.
If you are still unable to sign in and require further assistance, please send us an email or call (65) 6922-0147.
Login to your World Vision account and select ‘Edit my Profile’. You will then be able to change your details.
Please allow 24 hours for the changes to be reflected in our database. Future correspondence will be sent to your new contact details.
In the meantime, you may still receive mails from your sponsored child for a month at your old mailing address, as correspondence from our overseas Area Development Programmes takes time to reach you and might have been mailed out before your address changed.
Thank you for your gift! A confirmation email with details of your donation / sponsorship will be sent to you shortly after your payment.
Kindly allow 3-5 working days for your order and payment to be processed. After which, it’ll be reflected under ‘My Payment History’ in your account.
For offline contributions (Credit Card, GIRO, Cheque, Internet Banking & Cash), please visit here for the respective instructions and forms.
For PayPal or eNETS payment:
Step 1: Log into your World Vision account,
Step 2: Please click on ‘My Sponsored Children’ or ‘Other Ongoing Givings’
Step 3: Please click on ‘Payment Link’*.
Step 4: Enter the amount you would like to contribute and your details, and proceed to checkout.
Alternatively, you may visit the renewal payment page here.
*The link is available only when your sponsorship contribution’s paid through date is more than 30 days older than present date.
As part of our goal to strengthen our sponsorship experience, we’ve started recording Child Greeting Videos. This is a short 15-20 seconds video of your sponsored child in their community as he/she introduces him/herself.
For the videos available, the main objective is to give you a quick view of your child. Your sponsored child will usually give their name, age, where he/she lives and share a favorite hobby / game / song. For a child who is too young and cannot speak yet, a parent or guardian will speak on their behalf.
As this is a new initiative, it is still being implemented in stages. Some children, especially those from more mature communities, would not have greeting videos available. Children from China and Vietnam will not have videos due to restrictions from the country.
Unfortunately, we are unable to support translation of the videos at the moment. We seek your kind understanding as we continue to improve your sponsorship experience.
Disasters & Emergencies
Having a Disaster Response Fund ready to use, the global pre-positioning resource network ensures we can respond rapidly to any disaster, with pre-positioned supplies (seven warehouses strategically-located worldwide), preparedness plans and trained staff worldwide.
Community development programmes include training in disaster preparation and prevention (e.g. first aid, how to respond to a disaster, improving the construction of buildings, developing early warning systems, and mapping potential threats and vulnerable areas).
World Vision is a signatory to the Red Cross Code of Conduct – we commit to assisting people irrespective of ethnic, religious or political affiliations. Our emergency projects are in line with the Sphere Project’s Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, which outline internationally-recognised minimum standards for emergency response. As a member of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP), we are also accountable to communities in our emergency response.
Children: In the context in which World Vision works, children are in greatest need of protection from further injury, disease or neglect, with assured attention to their basic needs, including psychosocial needs. While World Vision prioritises families in distribution and livelihood initiatives, our child-friendly spaces also provide children a safe place to play, begin emotional healing and re-establish a normal routine.
Relief supplies: In addition to shelter, food and water, assessment of other needs is pivotal to ensure that our response also facilitates long-term physical relief.
Education: Our field staff aims to improve vulnerable children’s well-being with both formal and informal education, which includes life-skills training, and more.
Psychosocial support: Conflicts and disasters cause significant psychological and social suffering. Therefore, we protect and improve people’s mental health and psychosocial well-being by reducing the effects of disasters through psychosocial services.
Health & nutrition: Another priority is to save lives, alleviate suffering and promote the return to normalcy by addressing the health and nutritional needs of the affected.
Shelter: Exposure to cold, rain or mosquitoes can be life-threatening, while the lack of privacy, loss of belongings, and inability to provide for affected children is extremely distressing for displaced communities. Tents or tarpaulins help to protect families while more permanent structures (that can withstand possible future disasters) are rebuilt.
Water & sanitation: Water and sanitation are critical, as victims are much more susceptible to illness (e.g. diarrhoea) and death from diseases which rise from the inadequacy of sanitation and clean water supplies. Using contaminated water for washing can also aggravate injuries and infections. Water purification and other solutions for will therefore limit diseases and save lives.
HIV/AIDS: It is vital that HIV/AIDS interventions are integrated into the structure of all disaster response programmes to ensure that HIV/AIDS victims are not made more vulnerable.
Protection: Humanitarian protection is about respect for the fundamental rights of people, for their safety, dignity and integrity as human beings.
Our quick response does not undermine our focus to help effect long-term solutions. We assist victims to transit from the relief phase to the recovery and rebuilding phase. The latter includes permanent housing, clean water, sustainable sources of food, access to education, and re-established livelihoods. Our global risk reduction strategy educates communities, down to family-level disaster preparedness, and instills community-based disaster risk management programmes.
Chosenᵀᴹ is a new invitation to child sponsorship where a child chooses his/her sponsor. You (the sponsor) can have your photo taken at an event or submit it online (coming soon).
Your photo and name are then sent to a community where World Vision works and a child from that community will make their choice. Once the choice is made, you will receive a photo of the child and a letter from the child explaining why you were chosen.
Finally, as with all our sponsorship relationships, your sponsored child and you can build a friendship through letters or e-letters.
The monthly contribution for child sponsorships through Chosenᵀᴹ will be set at $50 with effect from 12 March 2025. This includes child sponsorships through Chosenᵀᴹ in Kenya that will take place on 19 March 2025.
For over 40 years, World Vision Singapore has been contributing towards uplifting communities in our area programmes over a 10 to 15 year period through holistic community-focused interventions that provide access to water, nutrition, education, child protection and sustainable livelihoods. The cost increases in recent years have posed challenges, significantly compounded by the combined effects of climate change and conflict. Natural disasters and protracted conflicts have disrupted infrastructure, supply chains, and global resources, adding to rising costs. The adjustment in the monthly contribution amount for child sponsorship from $45 to $50 a month will allow us to meet our targeted goals for transformational impact within the planned timeframe in the area programme. This adjustment ensures that we can continue our work without delays, allowing us to deliver lasting, positive change to the communities we serve. Your generosity is a crucial part of the change we are creating in the lives of children.
Chosenᵀᴹ is not a "different" child sponsorship product or model - it is a new invitation to sponsorship. The only thing changing is the way sponsor-and-child relationship begins.
In the traditional sponsorship invitation, sponsors are asked to choose a child to sponsor. In the new Chosenᵀᴹ invitation, sponsors send their photo to a community where children choose them to be their sponsors. It is a new invitation that is powerful as it flips the choosing dynamic on its head and gives children more ownership in the choice of who their sponsor will be. However, World Vision's effective community-empowering sponsorship development model remains unchanged.
Chosenᵀᴹ invites you to put the power of choice in the hands of the child, there flipping the traditional selection dynamics. It sets the tone from the start and is a tangible manifestation that children can (and should) have choices in life. It emphasises that they have the power to choose what their life can become. Additionally, it gives children a greater contribution in the process as they get to have more ownership in the decision-making process.
It is a simple switch in thinking that recognises the dignity, value and honour of everyone involved - acknowledging that children living in extreme poverty have the power to change their own lives...and your lives too.
One critical component of child empowerment is giving children space to develop their own opinions and act on their thoughts and preferences. Through Chosenᵀᴹ, children have the opportunity to select their own sponsor, instead of being informed of who has selected them.
This is only one of the many things that World Vision is doing to empower children as part of our child-focused, community-empowering approach.
A Choosing Party is the photos that you, and other sponsors, have submitted are displayed. It is at the Choosing Party where the children will make their choice from the selection of photos.
After they have selected a sponsor, the children will then write a letter to you to explain why they picked you from the other photos.
Children that participate in Chosenᵀᴹ will be in the age range of 0 to 13 years old. If a child is too young to make their own choice, the child's parent(s) will then assist them.
We believe this still gives the power of choice to the child and their family in an honourable manner.
Yes, each child chooses only one (1) sponsor.
For all of World Vision's child sponsorship programmes, a child is only matched to a single sponsor to create a unique one-to-one relationship.
However, as a sponsor, you can sponsor as many children as you like.
When you sign up to be chosen as a sponsor, your name and photo are sent to the community. There may be instances where it is necessary to display an ID number on the photo to ensure an accurate match is made. Otherwise, no other information is displayed with the photo or passed on to the children.
- Do I need to be vaccinated or take a Covid-19 test to participate in trips?
In consideration of the health and safety of all trippers and the vulnerable children and families we visit, we would like trippers who join us to be vaccinated.
- Are masks a requirement when visiting the area programs?
We encourage trippers to bring and wear their masks while visiting the area programme community as the children will be wearing their masks during your visit. The wearing of masks protects the children who have limited access to healthcare in the area they live in.
- What happens if I contract covid-19 on the trip?
Should any tripper contract Covid-19 during the trip, the tripper will be self-quarantined in a separate hotel room should the tripper be sharing a room with another fellow tripper. The additional cost of the hotel room and any adjustment to the return flight should be covered by the tripper’s travel insurance.
Cancellation Policy (World Vision Trips)
1a Notice of cancellation must be made in writing to World Vision Singapore
1b Upon cancellation you will be liable to pay a fee to cover the unrecoverable cost & expenses incurred by us in the terms of the schedule set out hereunder.
1c All Cancellation policies are valid as of January 2023 and are subject to change. The final policy will be confirmed at the time of reservation.
1d No refund will be made with respect to accommodation, meals, transport or any other services included in the in-country cost but not utilized, either in part or full, cancels or otherwise varied arrangements after the commencement of the trip.
No. of days prior to departure |
Cancellation fee |
More than 30 days |
30% of the trip cost |
30 days and less to the day of departure |
50% of the trip cost |
Should the sign-up not meet the minimum number of trippers of 10 pax, the trip will not be able to proceed and will be cancelled. Trippers will be refunded the trip cost (excluding flights) in full.
Should there be any force majeure event in the country we are visiting that prevents World Vision from going ahead with the trip, trippers will be refunded the trip cost (excluding flights) in full.
Thank you for your interest in joining our trips!
Opportunities to witness the work, progress and impact that our programmes have for our beneficiaries
To explain it briefly, trips are opportunities for our supporters to experience and witness the work, progress and impact of our programmes that are implemented by our field staff. It is also a chance to appreciate the differences our work has made to the communities (our beneficiaries) and understand how the impact could be sustained even beyond our programme period!
You will be visiting areas where you will interact with the poorest and most vulnerable people in the community. These communities that you visit are not usually open to public or tourists.
On top of that, you will also witness how the lives of children, and those in the community have been positively impacted by our programmes - through the means of our 5 pillars: Health & Nutrition, Education, Livelihood, Child Protection, Water Sanitation & Hygiene.
Opportunities for Sponsors to meet their sponsored children
Another highlight of the trips is for sponsors to finally meet up with their sponsored child! Sponsors will get to spend about half a day of quality time with their sponsored child; there will be translators attached to the sponsor, so do not worry about language barriers!
Immerse into the community through community visits
On top of that, you will be visiting some households and schools (subjected to the security policies of the locations), alongside key projects of the area. There will be opportunities for you to interact with the locals as well as the children of the community. Most times, where possible, we do arrange for hands-on activities for our sponsors to experience and immerse themselves into the cultural livelihood of the community.
No, there are no prerequisites. However, we do encourage you to consider sponsoring a child so that when you join us on the trip, you can fully experience the joy of meeting a child whom you are making a difference to.
The in-country cost covers all meals, transport and accommodation. It does not include air fare, personal expenses or additional expenses on gifts for the children and community you will be meeting.
We understand that some sponsors may like to extend their stay or arrive earlier for personal sight-seeing and travel opportunities. Others may also have preferred airlines. Hence we extend the flexibility of allowing sponsors to book your own air-tickets to accommodate these preferences. We will provide details on the meet-up time and location if you are arriving earlier. We will also inform you about the recommended flight - that is the flight that the Trip Leader, who is a World Vision staff, will be taking.
We encourage you to book flights that allow changes in view of unforeseen circumstances which may lead to us having to change the trip dates or cancel the trip entirely. Most of the time, such changes stem from security matters arising from the political instability of the country. While it does not happen frequently but it does and has happened for some of our trips before.
Under these circumstances, we do apologize that we will not be able to provide any compensation for flight cancellation penalties incurred due to the airline's policies. Hence, we strongly encourage that you purchase airfares that accommodates changes.
The trip is 5 days because we take into consideration the travelling time needed to travel between places. These places are usually remote, inaccessible and sometimes far apart from each other.
On the trips, we will be sharing with you how your contributions have impacted the life of your sponsored child and their community. We will have opportunities for you to interact with your sponsored child as well as visits to several project areas supported by World Vision.
We will try our best to match you with another tripper of the same gender and similar age. However, there are times where odd numbers may occur and if we may be unable to match you with another tripper to share a room. In such instances, you may be asked to take a Single room (with small top-up fee).
30 Hour Famine: Hunger Trials
World Vision is a child-focused Christian humanitarian and development organisation dedicated to addressing the needs of the world’s most vulnerable children, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or nationality. Through a combination of emergency relief, community development, and advocacy programmes in about 100 countries around the world, World Vision works in partnership with communities in need to tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice, thereby enabling them to reach their full potential. In addition, we work in partnership with the affiliated programmes and specialised agencies of the United Nations, including the World Food Programme, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and UNICEF.
The 30 Hour Famine is a youth event that has been organised annually by World Vision in Singapore for more than 20 years. Various editions of this event are held across the world in countries where World Vision works every year, and collectively form an international movement for youth to take a stand together against hunger and poverty. In Singapore, the event places an emphasis on experiential learning through interactive and educational challenges, so that youth may become more informed and empathetic advocates for vulnerable children. Participants from secondary schools to tertiary institutions in Singapore come together to fast from food for 30 hours while completing a series of interactive educational challenges, so that they may cultivate a deeper appreciation of the struggles of vulnerable children and families who have to go without food for much longer periods.
Participants of this year’s 30 Hour Famine will go on a choose-your-own adventure as they take on the persona of a child in a crisis who is forced to make critical decisions as they navigate their world. Each choice will bring them through an experiential learning challenge that simulates different factors that contribute to a hunger crisis – including conflict, climate, health crises, and economic instability - and discover how their decisions can impact their survival. Through the 30 Hour Famine, participants will get a chance to walk in the shoes of the vulnerable and grow in their understanding and empathy for children and youth from other countries and backgrounds.
No, it will be a two-day in-person event. 30 Hour Famine 2024 will be held on 18 and 19 May 2024.
Yes! We encourage all participants to go through our signature 30 hour fast from solid food. Through the experience of fasting, participants will gain a deeper appreciation of the struggles that vulnerable children and families face when they go without food for much longer periods of time.
In line with the theme on 30 Hour Famine, food will not be provided during the event. Drinking water will be available.
30 Hour Famine: Uncharted will consist entirely of team challenges! You are highly encouraged to sign up in teams of up to 10 with your friends. For individuals, we will do our best to place you in a team comprising members of a similar age group as you.
Participants will have to complete the two-day in-person programme.
No, there will not be any online challenges this year.
We will be monitoring the COVID-19 situation to ensure a safe 30 Hour Famine experience for all participants! Do follow our Instagram account @worldvisionyouthsg and look out for any updates!
f you complete the 30 Hour Famine successfully, you can request for an e-certificate via e-mail after the event has ended!
Anyone aged 13-30 years old is welcome to register! For those outside of this age range who are interested, do contact us at
Click here to sign up through EventBrite, where you can make payment via debit or credit card. If you would like to make payment through PayNow or bank transfer, please send an e-mail to requesting alternative payment modes (please provide your name and e-mail address, as entered into EventBrite).
All registration fees are non-refundable, but you do have the option of identifying another person to participate in your place.
Please drop an e-mail to if you would like to do so.
The distribution of VIA hours is dependent on individual schools. Please check with your teachers if VIA hours can be awarded for the completion of the 30 Hour Famine. If your teachers would like more information, they are welcome to drop us an email at
We approached communities from Africa to Asia to ensure a global collection of communities that are especially in need. Through the contributions from Village2Village donors, Education, Clean Water & Sanitation, Health & Nutrition, Livelihood & Microfinance and Child Protection can be made available to the communities.
As announced by the United Nations, the COVID-19 pandemic threatened to destroy the livelihoods of Southeast Asia’s 218 million informal workers. Additionally, in our research, we are anticipating that 85 million families across Asia may have little or no food stock and 110 million children in Asia facing hunger due to the pandemic.
Now is the time to act. When we connect with villages across the world we are bringing hope and humanity; we are helping many communities
The Village2Village initiative covers the most vulnerable communities that World Vision is also supporting through our Child Sponsorship Programme. By contributing through Village2Village, donors can make a positive impact on communities and create a difference for a sustained period.
You will receive a half-yearly email update on the program's performance as well as a printed copy of World Vision's Gift Catalogue.
It takes a foundation of resources and activities over a sustained period before viable results take shape in communities. World Vision partners with each community for 12 to15 years to help them reach their full potential and establish secure, thriving and sustainable success. Although you can cancel your pledge at any time, your ongoing support will ensure that resources continue to be in place to assist communities in removing hurdles to achieving community self-sufficiency and success.
If you change your mind on the monthly contribution amount, kindly email us at We can help you continue your generosity by aligning your experience with an amount that is comfortable for you.
Yes, you can. Please do ensure that the country you desire to direct your contributions to is one that World Vision is currently supporting. To channel your contribution towards a specific area, kindly indicate the name of the country in the comment box on the donation page.
Youth For Change Conference
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian and development organisation dedicated to addressing the needs of vulnerable children and families worldwide, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, gender, or nationality. Through a combination of relief, development, and advocacy programmes being implemented in about 100 countries around the world, World Vision works in partnership with disadvantaged communities to tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice, thereby enabling them to reach their full potential. We also work in conjunction with the affiliated programmes and specialised agencies of the United Nations, including the World Food Programme, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and UNICEF, on issues that have an impact on the safety, health, and developmental potential of children. Our programmes address a range of essential needs that have a critical bearing on the livelihoods of poor families and the well-being of children. These needs include:
If you’re aged 17-35, and able to attend the programme in full, do sign up here and join us for YFCC!
All registration fees are non-refundable, but you do have the option of identifying another person who can attend the conference in your place.
Sure! You are welcome to contact us at or +65 69220133.