What Happens When 1000 Girls Are Sponsored?

Girls walking together

Sponsoring a girl is often the first step towards ensuring she receives an education. And when girls have adequate access to schooling, the ripple effect of change can go well beyond their own lives. There are many reasons why joining the movement to sponsor 1000 girls is beneficial, and it goes well beyond the girl you sponsor. 

When 1000 girls are sponsored, you can…


1. Have five times the impact… yes, that’s 5000 kids!

When you commit to a monthly donation, you're not just making a difference for one child – you're sparking a ripple effect of positive change. Your contribution joins forces with fellow sponsors, forming a powerful pool of resources dedicated to funding programs in their community. This collective effort is at the core of our child-focused community approach, where the impact extends far beyond individual sponsorship. According to our impact research, for every child sponsored, four more in the community benefit. That means that when 1000 girls are sponsored, 4000 more children benefit. Your support will become a catalyst for widespread transformation, amplifying its reach and creating a meaningful impact that radiates throughout the entire community.


2. Reduce violence against girls and also close the gender gap

Picture this: In a world where every girl received 12 years of schooling, child marriage would decrease by a whopping 64% globally. That’s incredible! Keeping girls in school is the single best way keep girls protected from the threats of violence like child marriage. On average, with each extra year a girl spends in secondary education, the probability of her entering into child marriage decreases by six percentage points. It provides a safety net while simultaneously educating them about their rights and leading to increased economic opportunities in the future. By sponsoring just one girl you can ensure they go to school and be part of a movement to sponsor 1000 girls, which could have a real dent in child marriage rates.


3. Stimulate economies… which is good for everyone

Investing in young girls puts them in the fast lane towards economic growth, not just for themselves but for their whole country.  Projections from the World Economic Forum show that if all girls in the country finish highschool, it could lead to a remarkable 10% surge in the nation’s GDP. Our own research backs this up: with 1000 girls sponsored in a single community, we would  see more than $2M invested back into their local communities.*


4. Break the cycle of poverty for generations to come

For girls who stay in school, just an extra year of secondary school can boost their expected wages as an adult by 25%. With education at the forefront of our sponsorship model, it’s not hard to see how sponsoring a girl can have lasting impact, but sponsoring 1000 girls? That not only normalizes going to school for more kids, but it could change the course of poverty for years to come.

World Vision, along with its dedicated sponsors, actively champions girls' education by enhancing access in the communities we serve. Through child sponsorship, we strive to identify and dismantle barriers hindering girls' path to equitable education. Our approach involves comprehensive community engagement, collaborating with families, schools, religious groups, governments, and traditional leaders. Together, we advocate for the intrinsic value of education, ensuring that girls not only enter but also stay in school. This collective effort aims to empower girls to fulfill their innate potential, nurturing them into the fearless girls they were born to be.


Right now, there are girls who are ready to change the world. Will you stand with them? We urgently need sponsors for 1,000 girls by 11 October, International Day of the Girl. 

Sponsor a girl today!


*On average, each new sponsorship World Vision acquires provides $2,055 in lifetime yield, based on internally calculated child sponsorship metrics.


Written By: 
World Vision