Typhoon YAGI Emergency Response

On 7 September, Typhoon YAGI, the most powerful storm to hit the South China Sea in 30 years, made landfall in northern Vietnam, causing widespread devastation across Southeast Asia. The typhoon has claimed over 500 lives, injured thousands, left hundreds of thousands displaced, and caused tremendous damage to infrastructure, homes, schools, and healthcare facilities. At least 6 million children have been affected and their access to clean water, education, health services, food, and shelter has been compromised. 

World Vision aims to reach 60,000 people in affected districts of 4 target provinces of Yen Bai, Hai Phong, Hoa Binh, and Thanh Hoa in Vietnam and 25,000 affected people in Myanmar. Save lives now.

You can support children and families in distress to meet their immediate needs by providing:

  • Emergency food aid
  • Production inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, and veterinary services, to meet basic food needs and facilitate livelihood recovery
  • Water treatment kits for access to clean water, and repair of water facilities
  • Dignity kits to help households maintain hygiene
  • Essential non-food items, including blankets, mosquito nets, cookware, learning kits and jackets
  • Temporary Shelter and construction kits for repair of damaged houses
  • Multi-purpose cash transfers to alleviate the impact of the typhoon
  • Psychological first aid 

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