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We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

Hello! We are a group of students from Hwa Chong Institution who have come together to raise awareness on global poverty and ultimately implement a child sponsorship programme in our school as part of the Hungry to Help Challenge. Our starting approach was to get students to care more about poverty, and offer them possible avenues to help in a tangible manner.

Sent home to die by the first doctors she encountered, Hamida Khatun is only alive today thanks to the World Vision-funded heart surgery she received as a sponsored child, the gift of life allowing her to have a daughter of her own.

Being an intern, I did not expect to get the opportunity to go on an overseas work trip. So when my boss offered me the chance to go to Bo Kluea, Thailand with her I was thrilled. Even though I bore the expenses of the trip myself, I was thrilled not just because I love travelling, but also because I would get to learn more about the work World Vision does.

The Youth Summit on Redefining Volunteerism was a truly eye opening event and having attended it as a volunteer, I have gotten a much closer glimpse as to how the seminar has made an impact on the students who had all come together, eager to rediscover ways in which they can make a difference.

I went to Mongolia, quite glad to escape the haze and all ready to embrace the endless  expanse of blue skies. Some trippers  who had visited before noted that there was much development on the way to Uvurkhangai. There were fewer potholes and now a packed KFC in the middle of the dessert surrounded by camels, horses and sheep dog. It couldn’t have been more exotic.
