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We feature write-ups from supporters and staff who are hungry for change and want their voices to be heard.

The scenes of heartbreak, chaos and ruin from conflict are gut-wrenching. It’s hard not to feel hopeless and helpless in the face of it. But, child sponsors around the world bring hope into some of humanity’s darkest hours – even when they don’t realise it. Here’s how. 

Hope can sprout amid the ruins. A 6.5 magnitude earthquake struck Charice's community creating a disastrous havoc - flattening houses and destroying livelihoods. When she and family thought everything was lost, their abaca plantation helped them restore their lives. 

A silent but deadly and urgent hunger crisis is unfolding in northern Kenya and across the East Africa Region. We often talk about this tragedy through data, but the heartbreaking reality is that every number is a person, and every statistic points to the impact on human life

If you were starving and you knew the sale of one of your children would prevent the rest of your children from dying, would you do it?

Once a child enrolled in World Vision’s child sponsorship programme in Romania, 21-year-old Andreea is now giving back as a volunteer for World Vision where she is helping to give comfort and support to refugee children as they flee Ukraine.
