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In June, the monsoon season’s heavy rains battered Bangladesh, causing several landslides in Rangamati, Chittagong and Bandarban. At least 152 people lost their lives in what was deemed one of the worst landslides in Bangladesh’s history. The monsoon season marched on: At it's height on 11 August, almost a week’s worth of rain fell across parts of Bangladesh in a matter of a few hours, leaving almost nearly a third of the country underwater. Eight year old Jibon was among the scores of people whose lives were altered irrevocably. 

Every single day when we read the newspapers or watch the news, we learn about the countless disasters happening around the world. The Syrian Crisis. The African Drought. The Refugee Crisis Affecting Rohingyas. These are only some of the many disasters occurring in our world.

Watch as television host Greta Georges carried out a special delivery mission with World Vision – to bring a gift of a cow to the sole breadwinner of a family in Tien Lu. This is part of our economic development support to help parents provide for their children in a sustainable way.
