Children in Crisis

We bring you the latest updates on the Ukraine refugee crisis that is unfolding. Mark Mitchell (Technical Director, Emergency Logistics and Prepositioning, World Vision) makes his way to Romania to manage the emergency logistics. He will be sharing with us his first-hand experiences on the ground over the next three months at the Ukraine-Romania border. Let's journey with him as he

By Alberto Roca, Humanitarian Staff Member from World Vision Romania.
He is currently on the border with Ukraine, working hard to respond to the needs of women and children who have fled the current conflict. 

By Kyaw Kyaw*, Development Field Officer, World Vision Myanmar
(* name changed to protect the identity of the staff)

My days, before the socio-political crisis, started with a morning prayer. As a humanitarian worker, I felt a sense of satisfaction when I visited communities, liaised with village development committees and volunteers, distributed relief items and ensured children felt safe and nurtured. 
