Child Sponsorship Stories

Success stories about child sponsorships

Nyan Win, 18, lives with his parents in one of the crowded urban areas in Myanmar. He has been a sponsored child since he was 8 years old.

Nyan Win’s parents are odd job workers who struggle to feed and support their three children. He was originally reluctant and shy and could not communicate well with others or make friends. But when World Vision introduced the child club in Nyan Win’s community, his life started to change.

“To me, if I’m able to give hope to the kids I sponsored, if I can just walk alongside them and help them to achieve their goals, I’m really colouring their life and their world”

Since 2010, Dorothy has been sponsoring children all over the world. Just a year later, in 2011, she was challenged to eventually sponsor 100 kids. Up till now, she has committed to reach the target by sponsoring more and more children each year. Now she has a total of 49 children who are sponsored.

Dr Leslie Tay is not an unfamiliar face to many Singaporeans. As the man behind Singaporean food blog “ieatishootipost”, many people know that Dr Leslie Tay is a doctor and a gastronomic adventurer. But did you know that he is also World Vision child sponsor?
