Global Hunger Response

Global Hunger Response

There's enough food around the world

For a child at the mercy of food rations
For a mother who worries how she will find the next meal for her child
For a family fleeing their home in search of food
For a community that has lost all its harvest

Yet, millions of people do not have enough to eat.

Right now, child hunger levels are the highest they’ve been in generations.

The number of children dying from hunger has declined every decade since the 80s. Now it’s back on the rise with spiralling food costs. Children are bearing the brunt of an unequal global food system further exacerbated by conflict and climate change.


Blue (age 9)






You can make way for a world where there's enough on every child's plate

We are supporting children, families and communities struck by conflict in Myanmar, as well as those in Africa especially in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Ethiopia who are facing the looming threat of famine.




School Lunches for Hungry Students

As hunger crisis worsens, school lunch is the only meal many children from vulnerable homes get each day. It not only nourishes their tummies, but also keeps them in school and sets them up for a brighter future. The children can beat hunger and make their dreams come true.

Emergency Meals for Children and Their Families Displaced by Conflict

Forced from their homes, displaced families find comfort in warm meals as they fight for survival. With limited livelihood opportunities, these meals not only keep them going but also give them strength and hope for the challenges they face every day. 

Nutrition Screening & Lifesaving Medicines for Malnourished Children

Regular health check-ups are a lifeline for children battling malnutrition. Through consistent screenings, nourishing meals, and essential vitamins, we can enable these children to have healthy growth and development. 

Vegetable Seed Packs for Families to Grow Their Own Food Supply

Many mothers are enduring the heartache of not having enough to feed their children. Seeds and farming tools extend a helping hand to mothers. By growing their own nutritious food, these mothers can find a source of security, ensuring their children won't go to bed hungry.






You can also sponsor a child and help them fight this global hunger crisis


By sponsoring a child, you can help children, their families and their communities break free from poverty and build a hunger-free future for themselves.






Let's keep going until there's enough for every child!